Traditional Music Lessons

Crescent City Music Therapy offers traditional music lessons for children, teens, and adults on piano, guitar, and voice, all taught by our board-certified music therapists.

If you are initially unsure which instrument you would like to learn, your teacher will help you determine which instrument is the best fit. We do not treat all students the same in terms of what and how we teach; rather, we teach through a variety of methods and approaches, based on each student's personal musical needs and goals. 
We believe in meeting our students where they are and utilizing their innate strengths in the learning process.

Adapted Music Lessons

Many individuals with special needs display an interest in learning music, but have difficulty learning concepts in traditional music lessons. Our therapists at Crescent City Music Therapy adapt instructional methods based on the individual’s strengths and learning style, offering a student-centered approach to music instruction. Whereas Music Therapy involves a treatment plan that includes non-musical goals, adapted music lessons emphasize learning music and will have musical goals as the focus.

Adapted music lessons are customized lessons for individuals with special needs (including, but not limited to those with physical/motor limitations or impairments, emotional/behavioral disorders, intellectual/developmental disabilities, autism, sensory disorders, ADHD, learning disabilities, and Down Syndrome). Each student has an individualized lesson plan that allows him or her to explore the elements of music on piano, voice, or guitar through adapted or unconventional learning methods.

Examples of adaptations include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Alternate or simplified guitar tuning

  • Highlighting music to aid with visual tracking

  • Color, letter, or number coding instead of complex musical notation

  • Focusing on preferred music to stimulate interest and increase motivation

  • Use of visual aids (such as a picture schedule) to help structure lessons and reduce frustration

  • Individualized instruction to encourage participation, validate successes, and instill a sense of accomplishment

  • Incorporate music games, rhythm instruments, movement, and singing to increase attentiveness and maximize learning potential

  • Opportunities for sensory breaks or to engage in preferred music activities between more difficult musical tasks (e.g., singing, reading singable stories, music listening)


We offer traditional and adapted music lessons at our location in Metairie and offer in-home lessons as well.
To reach out for more information on music lessons, click the button below!