Integrating Music Therapy Into Care Benefits Military Personnel

Important fact - the concept of "music therapy" was first discovered during WWII when nursing staff noticed that incorporating music into treatment of veterans noticeably quickened their recovery! Since then, music has been researched as a means of contributing to healing across many populations, from Veterans with PTSD, to babies in the NICU, to patients with cancer, just to name a few!

Click here to read more about music therapy and how it is utilized to help veterans recover from PTSD!

Acknowledging Identity, Privilege, and Oppression in Music Therapy

The topic of privilege and identity is a sensitive one and must be handled with care, but it is such a necessary discussion to have.

"As clinical music therapy professionals who are goal- and solution-oriented, how much time do we spend considering our client’s experience outside the therapy room? How might taking the time to learn about a client’s multifaceted identity affect the therapeutic relationship? Furthermore, how do our own personal identities, beliefs, and experiences affect our relationships with clients? In answering these questions, we begin to scratch the surface of making our practice more intersectional."

Read More Here

Reviewing the Effectiveness of Music Interventions in Treating Depression

Daniel Leubner and Thilo Hinterberger

"Depression is a very common mood disorder, resulting in a loss of social function, reduced quality of life and increased mortality. Music interventions have been shown to be a potential alternative for depression therapy but the number of up-to-date research literature is quite limited. We present a review of original research trials which utilize music or music therapy as intervention to treat participants with depressive symptoms."

Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Research Section of Applied Consciousness Sciences, University Clinic Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany

Music Therapy In the News

Brain Injury Sufferers Find Benefits in Music Therapy

Past and present service members and family members suffering from traumatic brain injury can now take part in a Creative Forces music therapy program, a partnership between the National Endowment for the Arts and the Defense Department that's designed to help them recover and rehabilitate. Music therapy is an opportunity for people suffering from TBI to express emotions, promote insight and awareness, and strengthen neuropathways to restore memory, attention, concentration and multitasking.

The Soothing Sound of Music Therapy

The Music Therapy Institute aims to use sound to reduce anxiety, distract patients from pain, and bring out the good when it is most needed.

Music Therapy In the News

Can Music Heal Trauma? Exploring the Therapeutic Powers of Sound

An increasing number of music therapists are now treating people touched by traumas both big and small, highlighting humanity’s deepest connections with music in the process. Clink the link below to learn more!


Music Therapy Used To Help Cancer Patients

A cancer diagnosis is overwhelming in so many aspects. Staying positive and relaxed during treatment is a tremendous chore. But some hospitals are using music therapy to help patients combat stress.


Music Can Help Students Cope With the Stress and Anxiety Of Being In College

Music therapy gives college students an engaging and effective way to deal with stress and anxiety.


Using Music To Help Unlock Alzheimer's Patients' Memories

This nursing home's Music And Memory program gives just a glimpse into the incredible impact of music on the brain in individuals with Alzheimer's Disease & Dementia.