Music Therapy In the News

Can Music Heal Trauma? Exploring the Therapeutic Powers of Sound

An increasing number of music therapists are now treating people touched by traumas both big and small, highlighting humanity’s deepest connections with music in the process. Clink the link below to learn more!


Music Therapy Used To Help Cancer Patients

A cancer diagnosis is overwhelming in so many aspects. Staying positive and relaxed during treatment is a tremendous chore. But some hospitals are using music therapy to help patients combat stress.


Music Can Help Students Cope With the Stress and Anxiety Of Being In College

Music therapy gives college students an engaging and effective way to deal with stress and anxiety.


Using Music To Help Unlock Alzheimer's Patients' Memories

This nursing home's Music And Memory program gives just a glimpse into the incredible impact of music on the brain in individuals with Alzheimer's Disease & Dementia.